The Atidia Story
Atidia’s purpose is to improve patient outcomes with clinical decision support that is powered by AI and elegant technology.

Preventable complications in the elective surgery setting occur too often. The Grattan Institute report showed that 1 in 10 patients experience a complication and that if preoperative care was standardised, up to half of those complications would be prevented.
To effectively address this problem, we collaborated with large public hospitals in Victoria Australia. Together, we designed and built a Perioperative clinical support tool (POP) that gives clinicians the tools they need to work smart, fast and safe.
The benefits cover 4 domains


Clinical team
decision support


Perioperative services contain some of the most dynamic and complex processes in a hospital system.
They also generate up to 60% of a hospital’s total gross revenue.
According to a recent study into the efficacy and efficiency of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist (The impact of improved surgical safety checklist participation on OR efficiencies, Gillespie and Harbreck), perioperative services are also one of the costliest departments in any hospital, contributing to more than 40% of its total running costs, with costs as high as USD $50 per minute.
Efficient management of the service is necessary not only to increase patient safety, but also to reduce costs.
We understand how important it is to be efficient in both patient safety and resource management. Our solutions were designed to address them both, and our team is here to help you achieve all of your goals along the way.